Properties of Project Fenix_2006-08-28_CIGRE 2006 paper "On the interest of VPP_Christophe Kieny_v1.pdf

Document Information:

Document description: CIGRE 2006 paper "On the interest of VPP
Creation Date: 21.6.2007
Document Type: publication
Belongs to: Project Fenix
Access Level: PU (Public)
Document Status: approved
Approver: Michael Scheibe
Approvedate: 1.2.2008
Final ACL: This document already has its final access level, look at "Current Accesslevel"
Abstract: The document is available on the e-Cigre site http:s// This is mainly the state of knowledge of the French participant of the project at the beginning of the project. The Cired 2007 paper available on this site presents the concept as we imagine it after one year of work in the project.

Information about the author:

Name: Kieny Christophe
Further Authors: EDF, AREVA

Organisations: Adresses: E-Mail:
IDEA Rue de la Houille Blanche 961
38402 Siant Martin d´Hères cedex
[email protected]