Properties of Project Fenix_2009-02-04_FENIX bulletin No. 5_Telsche Nielsen-Lange_v1.pdf

Document Information:

Document description: FENIX bulletin No. 5
Creation Date: 4.2.2009
Document Type: publication
Belongs to: Project Fenix
Access Level: PU (Public)
Document Status: approved
Approver: Michael Scheibe
Approvedate: 4.2.2009
Final ACL: This document already has its final access level, look at "Current Accesslevel"
Abstract: The FENIX newsletter No. 5 Main results of the WP2 "Electrical and information system architecture adapted to the presence of LVPP" Authors: Maria Sebastian (EDF, France) and Joseph Maire (EDF, France)

Information about the author:

Name: Nielsen-Lange Telsche
Further Authors: Maria Sebastian, Joseph Maire

Organisations: Adresses: E-Mail:
ISET Königstor 59
34119 Kassel
[email protected]