Properties of Project Fenix_2009-11-24_Constructing the Active European Power Grid_Juan Martí_v1.pdf

Document Information:

Document description: Constructing the Active European Power Grid
Creation Date: 24.11.2009
Document Type: publication
Belongs to: Project Fenix
Access Level: PU (Public)
Document Status: approved
Approver: Patrick Lichtner
Approvedate: 24.11.2009
Final ACL: This document already has its final access level, look at "Current Accesslevel"
Abstract: Constructing the Active European Power Grid Conference paper at WCPEE09 October 5-8, 2009 Cairo, Egypt Authors O. Abarrategui J. Marti A. Gonzalez Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explain the Smart Grid or Active Grid concept and the contribution of the Flexible Electricity Network to Integrate the eXpected 'energy evolution' (FENIX) project to its development. The FENIX project is a collaborative R&D project, partially founded by the European Commission within the 6th Framework Program for Research, aiming to demonstrate the value and feasibility of the concept of distributed generation aggregation through VPP FENIX introduces a new concept of dealing with DER integration to the Electrical Power Grid by providing DER visibility and controllability using ICT technologies and shows how it is possible to optimize the DER contribution to the network.

Information about the author:

Name: Martí Juan
Further Authors: O. Abarrategui, A. Gonzalez

Organisations: Adresses: E-Mail:
Iberdrola Distribución Camino de San Adrian 45
48003 Bilbao
[email protected]